WildWild Performance Lab
/Lubbock Texas may be hot, dusty and windy, but it is full of creativity and the home of the innovative WildWind Performance Lab! Conceived by Dr. Mark Charney and hosted by Texas Tech University this unique laboratory for theatrical exploration is in its second year. Kari Margolis is proud to be back as a master teacher and mentor and is thrilled Jarod Hanson is here to share insights and information with the students as well. Kari and Jarod are leading workshops every morning to give all the actors, directors and playwrights involved a common vocabulary. Afternoons and evenings are spent in research and rehearsal sessions for three major projects. Individual students are also creating work throughout the process. Several other guest artists and speakers are offering lectures and work sessions in all aspects of theatre making. The WildWind Performance Lab is an amazing opportunity for students to stretch creative muscles and explore new possibilities.